
Log in for faculty, staff, and W&L students

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Help with Canvas

Can I use Collaborations?

Unfortunately, no. Collaborations has not been enabled in our particular instance. There are no plans to enable it, as students already have existing tools like Box, to be able to work together in real-time on documents. Also, if you create Groups, students will a slimmed down version of a Canvas course, essentially all the same tools like Announcements, Pages, Files, and Discussions – except for Assignments and Quizzes, to use.

What about New Quizzes?

We have not yet activated New Quizzes for the upcoming term in an attempt to provide a bit of continuity for everyone after migrating from Sakai to Canvas, as well as the unexpected push to virtual instruction because of COVID.

New Quizzes will be available between Fall and Winter terms, and will become the default quiz engine in Summer 2021. At that time we will be updating all of our training and support to include New Quizzes, but decided against including it at this time.

What about using Box and Canvas together?

While logged into Canvas, connect your Box account in Account > Box.

The Box integration with Canvas means:

  • Instructors can add a link to Box to their Course Navigation.
    • Clicking on this link allows users to log into their (own) Box account.
  • Instructors can link to a Box document in any Canvas tool that uses the Rich Content Editor, i.e. Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, Pages, and Syllabus.
  • Instructors can link to a Box document in a Module.
  • Students can submit a document from their Box account to an Assignment.
  • Students can link to a document from their Box account in any Canvas tool that uses the Rich Content Editor, i.e. Discussions, Assignments that includes Online – Text Entry submission, and tools enabled for them in a Group, i.e. Announcements, Pages, Discussions.

Canvas Student Orientation

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  • Email the ITS Information Desk at or call 540.458.4357 (HELP).